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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad, Poor Dad is Robert Kiyosaki's first best-selling book. In it, he advocates financial independence by means of investing, real estate, owning businesses, and the use of finance protection tactics.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad is written in what is meant to be an entertaining anecdotal manner to make finances interesting. The most central element stressed by Kiyosaki is the advocacy of owning the system or means of production, rather than being an employee of someone else.

Rich Dad Poor Dad....'>Robert_T[1]._Kiyos...
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What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffet

"Your book is terrific. It contains helpful advice and is easy to read."— Warren Buffett

" This is 24-carat advice– a real gem for any aspiring entrepreneur." – Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
" Who better to teach us all about managing and growing a business than Barnett Helzberg? His honesty and upfront perspective on management and business principles should be required reading for a wide audience." – Henry W. Bloch, Cofounder and Honorary Chairman, H& R Block, Inc.
" What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett is based on thirty-nine years of hard work and experience. It is interesting and instructive, and I highly recommend it." – Bob Dole
Although the chances of receiving a phone call from Warren Buffett are small, the chances of developing a highly successful company are better than you may think. All you need to succeed is a burning desire and the right set of entrepreneurial skills. In What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett, Barnett Helzberg shares his thirty years of experience in running a successful business and outlines the steps needed to prosper within a challenging business environment.

What I learned bef...

Hosted by Egnight Corp.

The Millionair Next Door

You’re living a wealth-building lifestyle or expending your wealth maintaining your lifestyle?

The general premise of The Millionaire Next Door is that the pop culture concept of a millionaire is quite false and that most actual millionaires live a very simple lifestyle. The authors, Stanley and Danko, did extensive profiling of people whose net worth defined them as millionaires along with those whose salaries and age defined them as likely millionaires and, using this data, created a detailed profile of who exactly a typical millionaire is. From there, extensive interviews with these “typical” millionaires created a much more detailed picture of what it actually means to be a millionaire in today’s society.
What does this have to do with personal finance? Rather than the image that most of us have of millionaires as people who inherited their money or got famous, most of the people that are actually millionaires got there through strong individual financial planning. They’re frugal people with a head on their shoulders and are often indistinguishable on the street from anyone else.

The Millionaire Ne...
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